Ranger Up Apparel

We are the 0.45

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day!

As another week draws to an end, most of us are off work tomorrow due to a very special holiday.  Memorial Day!!  This is a time that we should all take time out of our schedules to reflect on how our country got to this point.  We are here today due to the sacrifice of many men and women wearing our country's uniform.  This is their holiday that they have proudly earned. 

Tomorrow's Daily Challenge is to contact a friend or family member that is a past or present service member and thank them for their service.  If you have time to contact multiple people than please do, these men and women deserve the country's support and admiration.

To all the members of the Military past and present we here at HITFIT would like to THANK YOU for what you do!  Know that we support you. 

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