Ranger Up Apparel

We are the 0.45

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Daily Challenge (05May12):

145lbs Deadlift x10
70lbs Ammo Can or Dumbbell Press x10
Tire Sledges x10 ea Side
20lbs Med Ball Wall Balls x10
Ab Wheel x10
5 Rounds for Time

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Daily Challenge (03May12)

Reps/Rnds 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
70lbs Ammo Can or Kettlebell Swing
Ring Dips
70lbs Overhead Squats
For Time

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nutritional Plans!

Here at HITFIT we are dedicated to providing you with as many resources as we possibly can in order to help you reach your fitness goals.  That is why I have chosen to extend my services as a Certified Sports Nutrition Specialist through the International Sports Sciences Association.  If you are looking to change your diet and either shred some pounds, gain some pounds, or just maintain what you have the healthiest way possible then please contact me.  Please ask for Chris at 740-352-5639.  My rates are cheaper than any nutritionist I have ever came across mainly do to the fact that I am here for you.  I am not trying to get rich just make the world a healthier place one person at a time.
Daily Challenge (02May12)

50 Wall Balls w/ 20lbs Ball
50 Ball Slams
75M Farmer Carry w/ 2 75lbs Weights
40 Wall Balls
40 Ball Slams
75M Farmer Carry
30 Wall Balls
30 Ball Slams
75M Farmer Carry
20 Wall Balls
20 Ball Slams
75M Farmer Carry
10 Wall Balls
10 Ball Slams
For Time

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily Challenge (01May12):

Run 1 Mile
Complete 10 Rounds
     -135lbs Deadlift x10
     -Ring PushUps x10
Run 1 Mile
For Time

Monday, April 30, 2012

HITFIT Session!!!

This Saturday, May 5th, we will be holding another HITFIT session/workout at noon.  All are invited to join.  If you feel up to challenging yourself both mentally and physically I encourage you to participate.  Please give me a call at 740-352-5639 for all the details!!
Daily Challenge (30Apr2012):

Reps: 21,15,9

-Bodyweight Deadlift
-Tire Sledges ea. side
For Time