Ranger Up Apparel

We are the 0.45

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Daily Challenge (26May12):

100M Sprint
PushUps x 10
Burpies x10
Squat Jumps x10
10 Rounds for Time

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Daily Challenge (24May12):

Today's Challenge is a workout I like to do about once a month to test my progress.  As you see below this workout will not only activate every large muscle group in the body, but also is a good test of muscular strength and endurance.

PullUps x50
95lbs Push Press x50
135lbs Front Squat x50
PushUps x50
One evolution through circuit for Time
Your time represents your progress

"Strive for progress, not perfection"

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daily Challenge (23May12):

115lbs Clean and Press x10
Plyo PushUps x10
100 Jump Ropes
20lbs Med Ball Slams x10
5 Rounds
Followed by 1 Mile Run for Time

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daily Challenge (22May12):

PullUps w/35lbs pack x5
50M Farmer Carry/Run w/ 40lbs each hand
70lbs Sumo Deadlift High Pulls x10
50M Farmer Carry/Run w/ 40lbs each hand
5 Rounds for Time

Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Challenge (21May12):

Today's challenge consist of conducting Push Press with weight below for a set amount of reps followed by sprinting a predetermined distance and then repeating until circuit is complete.  Each round you will decrease the Push Press by 2 repetitions and increase each sprint by 100 meters (20,18,16 & 100,200,300).

135lbs Push Press 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6
Sprint 100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800 Meters

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Manic Sunday!

Daily Challenge (20May12):

Here it is Sunday already!  As I was driving to work this morning at 5am I was starting to ask myself whatever happened to the days where Sunday was for relaxing and spending time with the family?  Once I got to work I put the thought out of my head and got busy with accomplishing the schedule for the day.  I made it back home by about noon and was welcomed with an entire days worth of work in the yard, in the garage, on the house, etc that I was unable to complete during the week do to my work schedule. 

As I do the work that needs done around the house I ponder on the idea of how busy we have made ourselves in this country.  When I was younger I specifically remember my parents and grandparents working very hard, but always taking a few hours of one day a week (Sunday) to sit down eat dinner and spend some quality time together.  Having lived and traveled all over the world for the last eight years I have noticed one thing about our wonderful country.  We have lost much of our emphasis on family and friends and have replaced it with work and wealth.  I tell you this from my short time on this earth wealth will be no good to you if you have no one to share it with.  We live in a fast paced society these days that tend to forget about the most important things in life. 

My daily challenge for you today is take a break from your daily HITFIT sessions, other workout programs you enjoy, or just simply your daily chores and invite your family and friends over for a Sunday dinner.  Sit at the table and eat a good meal, share stories from the previous week, and rejuvenate for the upcoming week!

                           I thought you Jersey Shore fans would appreciate this!