Ranger Up Apparel

We are the 0.45

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Daily Challenge (23Aug12):

145lbs Clean and Press x5
Ring PushUps x10
20lbs Med Ball Squat Jumps x10
70lbs Kettlebell Swings x10
Complete 5 Rounds for Time

"Strive for progress, not perfection"

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Daily Challenge (22Aug12):

155lbs Push Press x5
Ring Dips x5
PullUps x5
25M Lunges w/ "The Twins" (35lbs ea. hand)
Ab Wheel x5
Complete 5 Rounds for Time

"Strive for progress, not perfection"

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Daily Challenge (21Aug12):

245lbs Deadlift x5
24" Tire Jump x20
Complete 5 Rounds as fast as possible

"Strive for progress, not perfection"

Sunday, August 19, 2012

We here at HITFIT have accompished a lot over the last few months and only feel it appropriate that we give our clients/readers a place to comment on the quality of service they have received from us.  That is why we have added the TESTIMONIALS tab to the blog.  If HITFIT has played a role in helping you live a more healthy lifestyle please feel free to tell us and our readers all about it. Whether we have written you personalized training/nutritional programs, given you motivation to reach for your fitness goals, or just gave you another great resource within the fitness community to base your training off of.  At the end of the day we want to hear from you.  We cannot take our services to the next level if we don't know where we are lacking.  We hope to hear from you soon!