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We are the 0.45

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Daily Challenge (06May12):

Today's daily challenge is very simple.  We at HITFIT want you to take some much needed time and sit down with the family and relax.  Family tends to be an aspect of our lives that we overlook until it is gone.  Work, money, exercise, and health are but a few important things in life.  All of these things do not matter at all though without family to share it with. 

If you have a family member or just a friend that serves in the United States Military please take a second to call, text, or email them as well and thank them for their service to our country.  These men and women have volunteered their services to the country during a time of war despite the risks that are associated with it.  If there is anybody that deserves a day of rest it is these individuals!

Tomorrow we will kick the intensity back up, but for now enjoy some quality family time and try not to take family for granted.

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